In quantum computing, a qubit or quantum bit (sometimes qbit) is the basic unit of quantum information: 2
2 (two) is a number, numeral and digit. It is the natural number following 1 and preceding 3. It is the smallest and only even prime number. Because it forms the basis of a duality, it has religious and spiritual significance in many cultures.
An integer is called even if it is divisible by 2. For integers written in a numeral system based on an even number, such as decimal, hexadecimal, or in any other base that is even, divisibility by 2 is easily tested by merely looking at the last digit. If it is even, then the whole number is even. In particular, when written in the decimal system, all multiples of 2 will end in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8.
Two is the smallest prime number, and the only even prime number (for this reason it is sometimes called “the oddest prime”). The next prime is three. Two and three are the only two consecutive prime numbers. 2 is the first Sophie Germain prime, the first factorial prime, the first Lucas prime, and the first Ramanujan prime.
Two is the third (or fourth) Fibonacci number.
Two is the base of the binary system, the numeral system with the fewest tokens allowing to denote a natural number n substantially more concise (log2 n tokens), compared to a direct representation by the corresponding count of a single token (n tokens). This binary number system is used extensively in computing.
The digit used in the modern Western world to represent the number 2 traces its roots back to the Indic Brahmic script, where “2” was written as two horizontal lines. The modern Chinese and Japanese languages still use this method. The Gupta script rotated the two lines 45 degrees, making them diagonal. The top line was sometimes also shortened and had its bottom end curve towards the center of the bottom line. In the Nagari script, the top line was written more like a curve connecting to the bottom line. In the Arabic Ghubar writing, the bottom line was completely vertical, and the digit looked like a dotless closing question mark. Restoring the bottom line to its original horizontal position, but keeping the top line as a curve that connects to the bottom line leads to our modern digit.
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